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Mystery of the Universe, Quartz

SKU: VTT0010 | 5436 Total Views

1 pcs
Classification   Quartz

Location  Bangkok Thailand

Shape  Round

Approx. Weight  55.65 Carats

Approx. Dimensions 1.00 x 1.00 x 1.00 mm

Depth Percentage 100.00%

Owner's Description  

Mystery of the Universe, Quartz:

Cut by world master cutter "Mr.Victor Tuzlukov".

            “Cognize yourself – and you’ll cognize the world.” With this thought in his mind Scholar was working, having locked his study. He plunged into the deeps of psychology, physiology, anatomy examining himself from all possible sides in search of the great Mystery of the Universe. At last he realized that he reached the bottom but didn’t approach to his goal. Then he went outside and followed his nose.

            Each step brought him new discoveries. And, when our hero felt his aim quite close, he found himself before the door of his own house.

            There was a note on the table. “You see,” – the surprised Scientist read, - “You’ve returned to yourself enriched with the knowledge. A man really keeps the mystery of the Universe in himself but only in interaction with the environment. A seed can not sprout without ground and for realizing this you had to go through the world. And now, with the experience of unity with it, you should come back to cognize yourself.”

            Scholar touched small stone in his breast pocket and he appeared that the whole Eternity looks at him by the eyes of Lion from almost forgotten meeting long time ago. And all events and fates, words and actions of all inhabitants this intricate, multifaceted and multicolored world – not only people – reflect at him like at the mirror.

            “And then – a new way,” – Scholar thought, - “It has no end, as there is no limit of cognizing; for a man is inexhaustible as the Universe.” And a man knelt before the great Mystery of the Universe, flashed in the pictures of extinction and creation of numerous cosmoses, - desired and terrible in its incomprehensibility…


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